The technical standards for each program provide the minimal requirements that must be met for coursework objectives and student outcomes. Included are cognitive, emotional, professional, motor (physical), sensory and other abilities that must be met with or without reasonable accommodation. The list of technical standards is not exhaustive and can be modified as the College determines necessary. Students enrolled in a Health Science program at 十大彩票网赌平台 must provide safe and effective care, as determined by 十大彩票网赌平台 and its clinical partners.
In addition to classroom learning, clinical placement and skills laboratory experiences are required for several of 十大彩票网赌平台’s health programs. Clinical placement and lab experiences involve considerations such as patient, population and clinical facility safety aspects that are not present in lecture classroom settings. Please review and understand all technical standards for your applicable health program asking your health program advisor any clarifying questions. Please note, applicable health program requirements cannot be waived in whole or part for students who cannot perform required work with or without reasonable accommodation. It is not possible to capture all clinical placement requirements within the Technical Standards documents at Washtenaw Community College. Each clinical placement site may have its own specific requirements.
If you need accommodations, due to a disability, please contact 十大彩票网赌平台 Learning Support Services and your health program advisor.
Students have the primary responsibility to request accommodations in a timely manner. Accommodations must be reasonable (given course and program requirements) and are not retroactive. It is recommended that students request accommodations as early as possible, e.g. upon admission prior to a clinical rotation assignment to allow adequate time to evaluate accommodation requests.
Faculty or staff are not required to anticipate individual student needs. Please note that accommodations are not in place until requests are evaluated and approved. While students may request accommodations at any time, questions about clinical requirements should be addressed with the health program advisor after reviewing the Technical Standards document(s).
Please see the Learning Support Services website for information about requesting accommodations, as well as the Student, Staff and Faculty Responsibilities.
The applicable health program faculty will work with Learning Support Services and any necessary stakeholders to determine reasonable accommodations for lecture classrooms, classroom laboratories and clinical placement sites. An offer of admission may be withdrawn, or a student may be dismissed from the program at any point if the student cannot articulate or demonstrate how a standard will be met, even with reasonable accommodation.
Clinical placements used by 十大彩票网赌平台 health programs make an independent determination of reasonable accommodations specific to that site. 十大彩票网赌平台 will make a good faith effort to assist you in requesting clinical site accommodations. The College cannot guarantee a placement site will be able to reasonably accommodate you. This may mean you could fall out of sequence with your clinical placement schedule and/or affect your completion of your Program for lack of progress.
Please contact the Dean of Health Sciences of any concerns related to the content of this letter.
Health Science Programs with Technical Standards include:
- Dental Assisting CFDAC
- Medical Assisting CTMA2
- Sterile Processing CTSPTF
- Cardiac Telemetry CCCTT (these are listed in syllabus vs. a Technical Standards document)
- Nursing Assistant Skills CCNAST
- Registered Nursing APNURS and Nursing Licensed Practical Nurse to Registered Nurse APNURL
- Physical Therapy Assistant APPTA
- Radiography APRAD
- Surgical Technology APST